Thursday, July 17, 2014

Prep day

This post was meant to go up yesterday but the internet connection must have failed while it was being uploaded.

Today we had a prep and cleaning day.
After an 8:00 breakfast we had some free time. Some rested, some went shopping, others prepped for their individual classes.

The area is really nice.
There are lots of trees and other vegetation. 
As well as many bugs.
We are currently staying in the new dorms. 
After the campers come however, we will move into the other cabins.
For lunch we had "Nagashi Soba" 
The soba noodles would come down the (clean) gutter and we would try to catch them with our chopsticks and eat right there. It was really fun to eat as well as really fun to watch.
After lunch we visited the new pastor and his family at the Kashiwazaki church.
He has 5 children, 2 girls and 3 boys.
Including the youngest (the little baby boy).
The three children around the baby are the Sasaki children.
The kids really enjoy playing basketball. 
And Sarah and Jared both get really into it. 
You can see them working up a sweat. 
For dinner we had a "Mexican Mountain".
It is basically a taco on rice.
After dinner, the guys (and Ami) cleaned up for us.
And after that was done we had a meeting to finalize some details.

1 comment:

  1. Hi.
    I took part in the English Camp on Saturday, July 19, and I wanted to thank you for the great time I had with you. Since I attended the camp for only one day, I wish I could have spent more time with you, learning about the place where you live and the local church you go to.

    I have searched through the Internet, and finally found this blog, which tells me more about you.

    I was in Walt's class, and enjoyed his class very much. -- Learning to speak in English is not 'a piece of cake.' If we want to learn English, taking part in the English Camp at Kashiwazaki is 'a step in the right direction.' --

    I cannot thank you enough. I am praying that the participants will come to know more about Jesus through this camp.

    (Hiromi M. aka 'Romi C' on the Internet)
