Monday, July 14, 2014

Last day in Ofunato

Today was our last full day in Ofunato. 
We visited more emergency housing units and ate some ramen.
In the morning we split into 3 groups and  two groups visited two different housing units. The other group stayed at home to make us a delicious fish lunch.
This is one of the bigger sites holding 300 housing units.
Once again they loved the bells.
Kenji decided to take a little nap.
He slept through the bells but as soon as they ended he woke up.
Most of the housing units had similar walls.
It's good to know many others have taken time to vist the people here.
Packing the van with materials and people.

The next kasetsu( emergency housing unit)
They loved the... Yup you guessed it bells!
After Kashiwazaki we plan on giving the bells to Chikako and Fred so they can continue to use the bells to reach the people of Ofunato.
But what they loved even more that the bells was the bingo.

The s'mores were a hit as well.
Some of the women noted "I feel like I'm an American" and that it reminded them of their youth.
We also sang songs,
shared why we felt we were called here to Japan,
and of course, took pictures.
We were surprise that they even made a flyer to help advertise our event.
One of the helpers posing with his neck warmer, and the clay An-pan Man they plan to make next month.
After the second housing unit some of us went to go see the local concert hall.
It was made out of concrete and the walls had rectangles with holes inside as texture.
They also had a book mobile outside!
After a long day of work we indulged ourselves by eating ramen.
Instagrammers or "Grammers" at work.  
Jared is showing us the "right way" to take pictures of food on Instagram, and Sarah is taking a photo-ception shot. 
We've been through a lot these past couple of days. Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons... 
But it was a great time of ministry and learning not only for the people we reached out to but for ourselves as well.
Please pray for the continual growth in the Ofunato area and for Fred and Chikako's ministry. 

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