Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kujiranami School

Today we got to visit Kujiranami School.
It is a local elementary school with 60 students in total.
We first met with the principal in the lunch room.
He took us on a tour of the school.
Our first stop was the gym.
Most schools in Japan have a gym and a swimming pool.

We also stopped by the teachers office.
And the principal's office. 
The school is actually 141 years old. 
So old that they only have pictures of its principals from about 90 years ago.
We visited several "specialty classes such as the music room, 
The home ec room,
the science room, 
and the art and crafts room.
Here is a refrigerator from the home ec room. 
Walter is there for size comparison.
Some student art work.
The first class we went to was a sixth grade.
They came up to us individually and introduced themselves in English. 
The introduction included their name, their favorite sport, and any dislikes and likes.
We made origami shirken with them.

And performed with handbells.
They also sang to us, 
and in the spare time left, we played Duck, duck, goose.
We said our goodbyes, 
And took a group picture.
In between classes we sat in the lunch room again.
Our next class was the 1st and 2nd grade class.
We played bingo,
And some students won some prizes.
We then played color tag in the gym.
Color tag is a game where the person who's it calls out a color and everyone must find the color and touch it before the person who's it touches them.
After a (sweaty) group photo, 
we left the school. 

The rest of the day was spent cleaning and prepping for the for the camp.
Please pray for Kenji Yamasaki as he is down with a 103 degree fever.
He is currently in Tokyo visiting Michiko's parents and the family will be traveling to Kashiwazaki tomorrow.
Please also pray for the camp and it's members, both staff and campers.

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