Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our Coast Trail Adventure

This morning because of the late service time we were able to spend some time at the ocean side.
First we went to a small pebbly beach and then we walked an easy trail.
They were both very beautiful.
It was full of all sorts of smooth pebbles and rocks.
As well as large,sharp rocks.
We saw some wildlife such as starfish and mussels.
Surrounding the area were trees and grass.
The trail was in a small forest, on a cliff.
 We had a great view of the Ranboya Channel. The waves beating onto the rocks created a rumbling thunder sound giving it the name Ranboya Channel.

Thee was a nice look out point with a bridge.

Aiko had fun picking flowers (mostly dandelions).
And Kenji had fun walking around.
Here we see Jared breaking the rules and crossing over the fence to get some pictures **gasp** and Sarah taking pictures while abiding the rules, as well as Aiko looking at the flowers she picked.
**Skip, skip, skip**
Kenji decided he didn't like walking THAT much and preferred to be carried.
Another look out point.
Almost done...
At the gift shop. Douglas, Elsie, Walt, and Glenn at checkout.
We also found some delicious matcha ice cream.

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