Monday, July 21, 2014

English Camp

Once again the blog post failed to upload completely. Here is yesterday's post.

These past few days have been filled with  kids, learning (teaching) English, and having fun. So much fun that I didn't get to write a blog post.
So here is the past couple of days in one post.
Our first meal ended with s'mores.
The kids all got to make their own.
And had tons of fun doing so.
Everyone got in on it.
One of the events we had was story time. We performed short bible skits. 
This is the Good Samaritan.
During free time we played games in the cabin.
Or said bye to the day campers.
One of the many group photos,
Here's another.
Yup! You guessed it, more!
Oh hey look! Walt and Elsie. 
And here we go again. 
I swear this is it!
Because the rest are individual!
Oh getting closer! 
Showing off her American candy.
Lollipop AND dried apples? 
Psh of course not...
Oh more swing shots.
Close up.
Nice and steady.
Too fast!!!
Just right.
Just chatting.
Upside down.
Right side up.
And unfortunately leaving.
Fortunately in cars and not bikes. 
Or maybe even staying another night... Well that's what we're doing.
Everyone has packed up and cleaned the cabins.
Bought their last bit of American candy.
Signed their last autographs.
And hit the high roads.

As for us we will be boarding into a train early tomorrow morning to travel to Sendai, Osaka, and Fukuoka, respectively.
Please pray for safe passage and energy.

Kenji has once again gotten sick. Please pray for healing for him and also strength for his entire family as they will be traveling to Osaka tomorrow.

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