Friday, July 11, 2014

Children's and Adult Ministry

After this morning's commotion we jumped right back into action.
Half of the group worked with adults serving Mac and cheese and the other half worked with kids serving hotdogs.

At the kids club we had several boys and some girls.
There was also two kids and their parents who came. They live across the street from the Grace house and we are very glad they came. They have very minimal exposure to Christianity, but after today they seen interested. The father actually took a video of some of our activities and asked to put it on YouTube.
They loved playing the bells!
One of the boys is a great leader and has a very kind heart. He is half Chinese and is being raised by a single mother. We are praying that him and his mother would come to God. His mother is also very open to Christianity and has come to church before. We hope that if they accept Christ they will also influence and open doors for us to reach more kids and their parents.
Please pray for these kids and their parents.