Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ofunato Bible Baptist Church

For our Sunday service we attended the Ofunato Bible Baptist Church. 
Our service started at 3:00 and ended around 5:00.
The church does not have a pastor as of last May so they have several pastors from the surrounding area on rotation preaching every Sunday.
This Sunday the pastor was Kondo, Yoshia from Moriyoka Conservative Baptist Church. 

After the service we had almost an hour of fellowship time.
It was a great service overall.
The sermon was on Luke 21:1-4, titled Dedicate.
It was on the topic of "The Widow's Offering". 
Some of the main/interested points included:
•Jesus pays attention to everyone no matter how small, just as he payed attention to the small widow that nobody noticed.
•We compare ourselves to others and what we see, yet Jesus knows what we can't see, and knows us without the outside influences.
•The two copper coins tell us more than we think. The woman could have said that she would give offering when she was better off, or even gave one coin and kept the other to help her with living expenses. Yet she gave both coins and gave thanks to The Lord. 
•Another thing to notice was the fact that she did not negotiate with God. She did not give while asking God to give her double in return. She instead was thankful for the very little she had.
•At the same time Jesus was getting ready to give God his everything, just as the Widow had. 

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