Friday, July 11, 2014


This morning we woke up to sirens and shaking. 
At around 4:30 there was a 6.something earthquake resulting in a 20cm tsunami.
We evacuated to an elementary school but to our surprise there was almost no one there. 
However there were sirens and alarms every where telling everyone to get to the evacuation centers.
One of the few people there were reporters and Michiko was interviewed as well as Walter. 
We stayed for around an hour and a half.
They put out a nice tarp for us on the gym floor where we sat.
Kenji especially loved the large area he got to run around in.
Just waiting.
Fred and Brian listening to the radio to learn more on the earthquake and the tsunami.
This picture because Janice said so. :) 
Luckily this was a very small tsunami and everyone was safe. Now we're eating breakfast like nothing ever happened! 

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